World class eye screening facilities at Nazar Eye Center
We at Nazar Eye Center aim at providing people with healthy and bright eyes. Every medical facility at our eye center is proffered under strict supervision of specialist Dr. Khurshid R. Khan. Screening basically includes finding vision impairments in eyes. It does not fit in infectious disease and non-communicable category. That is why; it needs more attention and care.

Cost effective screening
It is a cost effective method sued for identifying people with vision impairment or different eye conditions that can lead to vision impairment. Our team of professional and highly experienced doctors evaluates the eyes in detail.

There are many methods to perform screening depending upon the age of person who is being screened. Some of the methods are:
  • Inspection of pupils, eye and red reflex: Generally, this method is used to examine eyes of children of all ages. A flashlight is used to check any kind of abnormality in structure or shape of pupil. To examine red reflex, we use ophthalmoscope. A health red reflex must be bright and equal in both the eyes.
  • Photo-screening: It is an automated technique that we use to identify different kinds of eye problems.
  • Corneal light reflex testing: It is a simple test and can be easily performed with the help of penlight.
  • Cover testing: this test is performed to check if there is a misalignment in the eyes.

Nazar eye center is a one stop solution for best eye treatment.